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Meet Iris

IRIS cb | Career Coach | Life Coach | Ex

What's in my tool box?


  • Certification from CTI (Coaches Training Institute), a prestigious organization and the first to be accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation)

  • Certification in Mediation and Conflict Resolution (UC Berkeley).

  • Certified EQ Practitioner- Emotional Intelligence (

  • Certified in the Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 1

  • Leadership mentor at three local startup accelerator programs: Alchemist,

   Founder Institute


  • Certified TFT practitioner.

  • Certified DV counselor.

  • Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) and a decade of exhibitions as a visual artist (video Installations/drawings) 

  • I have years of experience as a group facilitator and a mentor to young individuals and at risk youth.

  • I dedicate much time to ongoing professional and personal development, regularly attending seminars & events.

  • Humor is my magic wand for dealing with life’s joys and misfortunes.

  • My hobbies are: squash, art, road trips, biking, traveling, gardening, attending intimate live music events, theatre, dancing, and the art of improvisation.

Vision & Mission

Beyond coaching, my true vision is to see people discover and celebrate their talents and uniqueness unapologetically, while operating from a place of humility rather than pretense. When we embrace our strengths and share our talents confidently with others, society as a whole wins big. Encouraging confident thinkers and daring innovators would result in enhancing the performance of individuals, and by extension, would promote a deeply resonant social dialogue.

Alternatively, playing it small and safe robs society of brilliant individuals and a healthy state of being.

In my work as a coach, I incite and cultivate everyday leaders!

My core values:

Positive Impact - Commitment to empowering others and to positive exchanges.

Curiosity - One of my highest values. I am committed to practicing and teaching

curiosity, a natural antidote to judgments of all sorts.

Excellence - Commitment to quality and high standards of professionalism.

Innovation - Risk taking, groundbreaking and bold ideas, creative solutions, resourcefulness.

Integrity - Modeling authenticity, walking my talk, honoring my promises.

Fun - Connecting and learning through play - promoting wonder.


Every adversity, 
every failure, ï»¿
every heartache ï»¿
carries with it ï»¿the seed of an equal ï»¿or greater


Napoleon Hill

My name...

​In Greek mythology, Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, is regarded as the messenger of the gods to humankind.​​​​ Iris came into being through the unity of sky and water, and she refills the clouds with water when they are depleted.


This powerful and symbolic meaning of my name has been out of my sight for most of my life. My attention was instead directed to its common translation and associations - rainbow, colors and flowers - which made sense since I was busy nurturing my creativity and pursuing an art career. In recent years the 'messenger' side sprung into restless action and I naturally landed on the path of coaching. To my delight, the timing was just right. The opportunity and privilege to take part in replenishing peoples' reservoirs added an invaluable quality to my life's purpose.

© 2022 | IRIS cb - Coaching with IMPACT!                                  

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